Startup Bootcamp - for TN School Students

Day 1 Ideation Workshop 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Day 2 Design Thinking Workshop 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Day 3 Design Thinking Workshop 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Day 4 Career Guidance & Mentoring 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Post Camp Career Guidance & Mentoring 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Proposal to Organize the Puthulir Startup Bootcamp as a Venue Partner

We invite your esteemed institution to collaborate with the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Anna University, as a Venue Partner for the district-level Summer Startup Bootcamp. This unique program aims to empower outgoing 10th and 12th-grade students and Puthulir participants from all boards in Tamil Nadu with entrepreneurial skills and startup fundamentals.

Together, we can inspire and nurture the next generation of young entrepreneurs in your district.

We look forward to your partnership in creating a transformative learning experience for students..

Puthulir 1.0 Phase 2 Startup Bootcamp is being proposed during last week of Feb to April 30, 2024.

  • Per batch 4 days camp
  • No. of batches, participant per batch can be decided only after we close the registrations from school management.
  • School management arranges for transporting the students to colleges and pickup.
  • For govt schools, we request YOU to help with transport facilities
  • Optionally, you shall extend your transport services to all participants.
  • One session in 4th day is also extended for parents
  • As said earlier,this is a separate event. Registration fFe Rs. 1,00,000. But for the current venue partners it is Rs. 75,000 only
  • Like earlier, you shall arrange for basic amenities and canteen facilities for all days.
  • Since we are opening the school registration. Also now, we will be able to tell you the count of students attending in your venue by Feb.
  • Registration for venue partners close by Jan 31, 2025.